Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Things not to tell your four-year-old....

Tanner was crying in bed last night. I went to check in on him & see what the problem was. He was upset because he didn't know when his birthday was...

Ok, folks, his birthday is April 30th - he has a good 7-1/2 months left until his next birthday. So, I told him about all the fun things that we had left to do before his birthday - visit to Grandma & Grandpa, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Disney, and Christmas! Oh, and maybe we could host an elf this Christmas**....

That was around 8:30 p.m. last night - Tanner was still awake at 11:30 p.m. TERRIFIED by the thought that we might have an Elf come to stay with us... I should have expected this from the kid who was terrified of Mickey Mouse.

** I find the idea of hosting an Elf to be so much fun - and I followed Catie's story long before she became an angel.

1 comment:

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

I accidentally told my kids about hunting and camping on the same day.

They got the two of them confused and then had a fit when we said we were going camping because they didn't want to have to shoot any animals.