Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Things not to tell your four-year-old....

Tanner was crying in bed last night. I went to check in on him & see what the problem was. He was upset because he didn't know when his birthday was...

Ok, folks, his birthday is April 30th - he has a good 7-1/2 months left until his next birthday. So, I told him about all the fun things that we had left to do before his birthday - visit to Grandma & Grandpa, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Disney, and Christmas! Oh, and maybe we could host an elf this Christmas**....

That was around 8:30 p.m. last night - Tanner was still awake at 11:30 p.m. TERRIFIED by the thought that we might have an Elf come to stay with us... I should have expected this from the kid who was terrified of Mickey Mouse.

** I find the idea of hosting an Elf to be so much fun - and I followed Catie's story long before she became an angel.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Calling all b/g twin parents...

So, at what age do you have to start giving your boy / girl twins separate baths?

Have I missed the boat? Our twins are over 4 years old, and they are still taking a bath together - we get them dressed in the same room (they dress themselves, we just apply sunscreen before they put on their clothes). We've had some interesting conversations about our private part and penises, but nothing too uncomfortable yet.

Just curious...